Patanjali believes that if we build our lives solely on material possessions, we aren’t free.
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As long as you keep the body in a flowing movement and use breathing as an “engine,” your mind becomes stronger, and the mind melts into the physical body and is united with it.
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The essence of Power Yoga is the work with Vinyasa, a series of breath-linking movements and sequences with the purpose of transforming stagnating mental and physical energy into vibrant power.
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The most famous branches are Tantra Yoga (this is the oldest branch, “the main trunk”), Bhakti Yoga (devotion), Jnana Yoga (knowledge/wisdom), Raja Yoga (meditation /introspection), Karma Yoga (action), and Hatha Yoga (forceful physical yoga).
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and spiritual development
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Yoga is a method to achieve awareness and to experience a higher consciousness through physical, mental,