“Don’t you go scaring him off now, ya hear?” Dad said, eyes on me. “I can’t be losing my apprentice if you two decide to part ways.”
“You won’t,” Joey assured him. “I won’t mess this up.”
“Yes, good lad,” Dad said. “But I was talking to her ladyship alongside you.”
“Me?” I laughed. “How am I responsible for this metaphorical parting of ways?”
“Probably because you’re such a demanding pain in the hole,” Kev offered dryly. “And Dad’s having a hard time understanding why anyone would voluntarily agree to set up house with such a princess.”
“Ha fucking ha,” I shot back, digging both of my couch buddies in the ribs when they erupted with laughter. “Aren’t you all just so hilarious?”
“Don’t worry, Aoife, love,” Mam offered then. “Dad didn’t have to pay Joey too much to go out with you.”