learning curve shows, in a graphical way, how the cost price develops with increasing experience, where the experience is expressed by the cumulatively installed PV capacity.
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European Photovoltaic Industry Association EPIA)
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Figure 1.6: The energy mix used for electricity production in (a) the Netherlands [15] and (b) Brazil [16] (Data from Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS; Statistics Netherlands) and used according to Creative Commons license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/nl).
mariazentsovaprije 6 godina
As we will see in this book, typical efficiencies of the most commercial solar modules are in the range of 15-20%.
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As mentioned above, energy is never produced but always converted from one form to another.
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These two components, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, are the key components of sustainable energy.