In West Africa, an unknown boy is killed on the vast palm oil plantation of the powerful corporation, Arranoil.
No-one knows his name or where he's come from, or who brought him to work on the plantation. Conditions on the estate are tough, and people are protesting about the theft of their land.
Karen Hamm is in the country investigating corruption. Millions of dollars of aid sent for the Ebola crisis have gone missing. She's an English woman returning to the land of her childhood hoping to make a difference to people's lives, but her enquiries are met with a threatening wall of silence.
Frustrated, Karen is drawn into the dangerous world of local politics and human rights. After the murder of a young activist, she travels to the giant palm oil estate to investigate. But she finds more than she bargained for when she uncovers the mystery of the unknown boy, and a trail of evidence leading all the way back to her own government.
What lengths will people go to, to silence her?
Fly Catcher is a powerful story for our time.