Beautiful story that tells of a magic that is very real, beautifully narrated, and a delight to the senses, with plentiful yorkshire countryside and language and tantalizing tales and children and gardens.
One of the most interesting books I've ever read. :)
Finished : 1/23/23
This book is...awesome. it's all about the magic of living things and the magic of life.
I read this book in my summer vacation in order to improve my English.and it's wonderful.太好看了 啊啊啊啊啊!
I read this in 5th grade and it was my favourite book at the time. I still love it. Really good
Говно книга
I don't know how many times I've read this I love the secret garden so fun, sad, emotional, and angry I want to tell everyone about what Mary or Colin or the maid are doing....
It’s a good and easy to read book. The author has described the nature nicely. It’s a good read.
Прекрасное увлекательное чтение, традиционно возвышенно-образовательного направления, присущего литературе тех лет, но тем не менее, очень лиричное и одновременно правдоподобное.
It's must-read since there are so many references to this book in other great stories.