Biohybrid microswimmer-This chapter introduces the concept of biohybrids, a synergy of biological organisms and synthetic components designed to swim through various mediums for applications in medicine and robotics
Flagellum-Delve into the structure and function of flagella, the appendages that allow microorganisms to propel themselves, setting the stage for understanding motility in microswimmers
Chemotaxis-This chapter explores chemotaxis, the movement of organisms toward or away from chemical stimuli, which is crucial for the directed motion of biohybrid microswimmers in diverse environments
Nanorobotics-A dive into the cuttingedge field of nanorobotics, discussing how tiny robots can mimic biological motion and open up new frontiers in medicine, research, and technology
Microswimmer-Understand the mechanics behind the design and propulsion of microswimmers, which are capable of movement at microscopic scales, revolutionizing the way we approach biological engineering
Microbotics-Learn about microbotics, where robotics meets the micro scale, enabling precision in applications from drug delivery to environmental monitoring
Molecular motor-Molecular motors are essential for the functioning of biohybrids. This chapter unravels their role and applications, providing insights into how nanoscale motors power microswimmers
Selfpropelled particles-Explore the science behind selfpropelled particles, where physical and chemical processes drive autonomous movement, a fundamental principle in biohybrids
Biofilm-This chapter investigates the role of biofilms in the behavior of microswimmers, especially in environments where microorganisms congregate, providing stability and facilitating movement
Gliding motility-Discover gliding motility, the method some microorganisms use to move without flagella, offering an alternative mechanism to understand and replicate in biohybrids
Quorum sensing-Understand how microorganisms communicate with each other using quorum sensing, a process vital for coordinating collective behaviors, applicable in the control of microswimmer groups
Marine prokaryotes-This chapter explores the role of marine prokaryotes, fundamental in understanding how microbes thrive in aquatic environments and how their properties inspire biohybrids
Siderophore-Learn about siderophores, molecules that assist microorganisms in acquiring iron, a key factor influencing the behavior of biohybrids in nutrientscarce environments
Bacterial motility-Dive into bacterial motility, the study of how bacteria move, including mechanisms of propulsion and their implications for biohybrid design
Metin Sitti-Gain insights into the works of Metin Sitti, a leading researcher in biohybrid robotics, and his contributions to the development of advanced microswimmers
Bacteria-This chapter covers the biology of bacteria, providing a foundation for understanding their role in microswimmer design and behavior in various applications
Microorganism-Focus on the study of microorganisms, laying the groundwork for their integration into biohybrid systems, enabling functional movement in complex environments
Protist locomotion-Discover the diverse methods of locomotion used by protists, organisms that have inspired innovative approaches in microswimmer technology
Nanomotor-Examine the design and function of nanomotors, the tiny engines that power the smallest biohybrid robots, and their applications in medical and environmental fields
Runandtumble motion-Delve into the runandtumble motion used by bacteria for movement, offering insights into creating more efficient and agile biohybrid swimmers
Robotic sperm-Explore the cuttingedge research on robotic sperm, where biohybrids imitate sperm cells for potential use in medical applications such as targeted drug delivery