I want you to count the minutes until we’re breathing the same air again, the way I do.”
Minaje citiralaprije 10 mjeseci
And when I look at you, I swear I have. Existed just for you all this time. It feels like I have.”
Minaje citiralaprije 2 godine
And there’s only me for you.”
Minaje citiralaprije 2 godine
There’s only you for me
Minaje citiralaprije 2 godine
“I also promise to protect you from this day forward. From cat claws to fires to drunk people with axes. You’re always going to be safe. I’ll make sure of it. You can call me no matter where you are, and I’ll come.”
Minaje citiralaprije 2 godine
I promise to take your side in every argument—unless it’s the one you’re having with me, then it’s fair game. But the point I’m trying to make is that we might fight . . .” He scanned the room with a pointed look. “But God help anyone else who tries to fight with you. They will answer to me.”
Minaje citiralaprije 2 godine
he listens to me and tries to understand me when I can barely understand myself most of the time. He wants me to believe in love. He said that. Out loud
Minaje citiralaprije 2 godine
I mean, the two are very closely related at the end of the day, right? Love means letting go of your pride, after all.”
Minaje citiralaprije 2 godine
Pride is something that can be kept. Love is too often squandered when you give it away. People might be careless with your love, but they can’t touch your pride. Or put it on their shelf like a trophy. It’s yours