“Some women don’t want to be mothers, in my opinion. They want children, they want cute pictures to put on Facebook. But do they want the actual experience of mothering?”
Ian Romel Mendozaje citiraoprošle godine
And when that day comes, this book will be waiting.
I’ll be waiting, too.
Ian Romel Mendozaje citiraoprošle godine
All the soft little lights are twinkling, the waterfall sounds like music, and the smell of the flowers is intoxicating—and it’s another perfect moment I can’t bring myself to ruin.
Ian Romel Mendozaje citiraoprošle godine
But I’m going to suggest you both be careful. If you start poking your noses into family secrets, someone may bite them off.
ashabakirstenje citiraoprošle godine
Anya isn’t a name, it’s’”— Briggs stops and looks to me.
ashabakirstenje citiraoprošle godine
“The man dug a hole so no one would find her,” he says with a shrug. “But I guess she got out.”