About this book:
This book has Poetry, Prayers, Philosophies, Short stories and hidden Prophecies. I can write about anything. I place myself in the role of the person or object in order to write an accurate poem or story “through the subject's or object's eyes.” It is like role playing. So, instead of acting the part, I write the part, but the part also writes me.
This book is a wide variety of works. The poetry ranges from love and sad, too dark, deep and possibly humorous. My favorites are the “Faith” & “Twisted Endings” chapters. I feel the Lord has given me this gift so that I may reach as many people as possible with the greatest variety of works. Basically, “Something for everyone.” There are also “Songs.”
There are no absolutes, I can write the beginning, the middle or the end first. Then when I am done, it comes to life for me and I hope to the reader also. The mind is a mysterious thing and will do magical works! Through these writings my heart & mind are brought to life for others.
I hope my book will reach and touch the souls of others. I want to touch in people what is not seen. I am after your hearts, emotions, & feelings. I shall live in your tears & smiles.