bookmate game

William Walker Atkinson

  • elibertanthony8je citiraoprošle godine
    When the mind is mastered by the will, then may new territory be conquered
  • ivonne guadalupe Garzaje citiraoprije 2 godine
    Man must learn to control not only his mind but his bodily movements.
  • ivonne guadalupe Garzaje citiraoprije 2 godine
    When the self-regulating faculties are not developed the impulses, appetites, emotions and passions have full swing to do as they please and the mind becomes impulsive, restless, emotional and irregular in its action. This is what makes mental concentration poor.
  • ivonne guadalupe Garzaje citiraoprije 2 godine
    To be able to concentrate you must possess strength of mind.
  • ivonne guadalupe Garzaje citiraoprije 2 godine
    But the person that can center his mind on any problem, no matter what it is, and remove any unharmonious impressions has strength of mind. Concentration, first, last and all the time, means strength of mind.
  • ivonne guadalupe Garzaje citiraoprije 2 godine
    Concentration of the mind can only be developed by watching yourself closely. All kinds of development commence with close attention. You should regulate your every thought and feeling.
  • ivonne guadalupe Garzaje citiraoprije 2 godine
    He can make his every move serve a useful end and every thought a noble purpose.
  • Dilay Duruelje citiraoprije 2 godine
    se files!!
    Please take a look at the important information in this heade
  • b3071186262je citiraoprošle godine
    LESSON 1. CONCENTRATION FINDS THE WAY. Our two natures; one wants to advance; the other wants to pull us back.
  • b3071186262je citiraoprošle godine
    How can you make an "opportunity". One man's opportunity is usually another man's loss.
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