Sarah Fisher,Trudy Affleck Trudy Affleck

Healthy Donkey

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The Healthy Donkey provides a fascinating background to the history of this iconic animal and introduces potential owners to everything they need to know about donkey guardianship, with useful information about diet, bedding and grooming. Those already familiar with donkeys will also find invaluable information about addressing behavioural issues using patience, kindness and bodywork using the Tellington TTouch techniques – a non-invasive system of touch and massage designed to bring about calmness, trust and confidence. Case studies show how these techniques can be used to address a variety of problems. Topics covered include: the history of the donkey; anatomy, physiology and conformation; connecting with nervous and novice donkeys; introducing bodywork; Tellington TTouch and Connected Riding. There are an estimated forty to fifty million donkeys in the world, mostly used as working animals, and its popularity is down to its stamina, and the fact that it utilizes its feed more efficiently and tolerates thirst better than its cousin the horse. Illustrated with 82 colour photographs.
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