-discipline and willpower impact all areas of one’s life and act as a predictor of how successful you will ultimately be.
Victor Ohje citiraoprošle godine
Remember that you can conquer anything you set your mind to, and remember to be mindful of your limitations as you embark on this new life.
Alexandra Carreonje citiraoprije 9 mjeseci
self-discipline is anything more than some words that people use to convince themselves that their life is on track.
Alexandra Carreonje citiraoprije 9 mjeseci
Self-deprecation is no longer looked down upon; rather, it is expected.
Ayesha Malikje citiraoprije 10 mjeseci
to leave every person happier than you found them, leave every place cleaner than you found it, [and] leave every project more productive than you found it.”
Ayesha Malikje citiraoprije 10 mjeseci
beliefs, thoughts, words, actions, and intentions.
Ayesha Malikje citiraoprije 10 mjeseci
we talk to ourselves has a huge impact on our mentality
Ayesha Malikje citiraoprije 10 mjeseci
why am I afraid, and how can I constructively overcome this fear? By doing this, two outcomes are possible: we release the fear, or we understand what valuable lesson the fear is attempting to teach us
Ayesha Malikje citiraoprije 10 mjeseci
When we are too critical of a situation or a person, we cause our own suffering and pain.
Victor Ohje citiraoprošle godine
The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson