You are a precious, precious child,” Mrs. Weera said softly. “I hope you get to the sea. I hope France welcomes you with open arms. They would be lucky to get you.”
Valeria Valderramaje citiraoprije 6 godina
People need us, and they’ll help us as best as they can
Valeria Valderramaje citiraoprije 6 godina
Not all men with bad ideas belong to the Taliban
Valeria Valderramaje citiraoprije 6 godina
Patience just gets you more of what you’ve already got
Valeria Valderramaje citiraoprije 6 godina
All things heal with patience
Valeria Valderramaje citiraoprije 6 godina
Sometimes it was hard to know the right thing to do.
Valeria Valderramaje citiraoprije 6 godina
“I think they’re going to ask us to stay here with them,” she whispered. “I could clean for them, and at night, when everyone is asleep, I could play with some of those toys. I could go back to school, and learn to be... anything!”
Valeria Valderramaje citiraoprije 6 godina
The craziness took over more and more of their minds until there was nothing left of themselves – just craziness on two legs.
Valeria Valderramaje citiraoprije 6 godina
Anger was good. Fear was dangerous.
Valeria Valderramaje citiraoprije 6 godina
The world was full of nasty-tempered adults, and what she really wanted was to never have to see any of them again.