Jupiter- Father-in law in 3rd , children (1st child in 5th, 2nd in 7th& 3rd in 9thhouse), Husband in 7th, Guru in 9th and elder sibling in 11th house
Girish Kumarje citiraoprije 9 godina
it. iv)A planet gets related to the house if it is related to its owner or the Nakshtra lord of its sensitive (mid-cusp) point. v)A planet shall occupy a sign in Navamsha chart. The lord of the sign shall be in a house in the birth chart. The planet shall be related to this house also of the birth chart. vi)A house becomes strong if its Karaka planet is strong.
Girish Kumarje citiraoprije 9 godina
A house is as strong as the owner of its sign (house lord). A planet gives results primarily of the house that have its Mooltrikone sign. ii)A house becomes strong, if its lord aspects or occupies it, regardless of the strength of the house lord or the sign of the house. iii)A house becomes strong if the Nakshtra lord of its mid-cusp/ most sensitive point is strong or
Girish Kumarje citiraoprije 9 godina
Sage Jaimini has introduced a new dimension to the concept of planetary aspects by having special effects/ vision through signs. Planets in movable signs aspects planets/ houses in falling in fixed signs and vice-versa. However there is no aspectual contact with planets falling in neighbouring houses (2nd/ 12th ) from the aspecting planets. Planets in
Girish Kumarje citiraoprije 9 godina
The strongest relationship is by occupancy, followed by ownership and next is through aspect. A planet could be related to a house in more ways than one e.g. it co
Girish Kumarje citiraoprije 9 godina
A planet placed in a sign in the birth chart shall be related to any planet that occupies the same sign in the Navamsha chart or vice versa. Please see the results of Ras
Girish Kumarje citiraoprije 9 godina
If the planet/ (s) were compatible with the Nakshtra lord it would give strong positive results otherwise the result would be indifferent. In the horoscope of Netaji Subhas
Girish Kumarje citiraoprije 9 godina
The 22nd Nakshtra from birth Nakshtra is called Vainashika Nakshtra