I guess this is why Catholics teach that suicide is a sin. They were running out of priests.
😭😭😭 she's so smart???
dibinje citiralaprije 5 dana
Before I even knew the word ‘gay,’ I knew I was gay.
trexje citiralaprije 3 godine
I’ve got it all figured out. We’re a parasite. Other animals on this planet coexist with nature. We don’t; we’re like scabies. Tiny mites covering the outer layer of earth, burrowing into it, infecting it. We are like tapeworm
Minaje citiraoprije 3 godine
I felt like I was never in the moment I was in. I was always looking back, or worried about the future
dibinje citiralajučer
The toxicology test showed her death was suspicious.
oh.... poor grace : (
dibinje citiralaprekjučer
If I woke up tomorrow and was told my entire life was a simulation, I’d believe it.
dibinje citiralaprekjučer
“I swear, if I woke up tomorrow in my parents’ house, in my old twin bed, and were told that everything that happened between then and now was all just a dream, and that I had to go to school, I’d believe it,” she says. “I’d totally believe it.”
dibinje citiralaprekjučer
1) this man knows me as the receptionist at a Catholic church, and this might be an insult to the character I’m playing and 2) I would rather be shot dead.
dibinje citiralaprekjučer
So far, I have only accidentally “liked” two inappropriate tweets from the church’s Twitter account, forgetting I was not logged into my own personal Twitter account. Both inappropriate tweets involved pictures of women’s butts.
jusko po 😭😭😭😭
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My eyes fog up. I can’t stand thinking about an old man crying.