Hot to the touch, this sexy New Orleans romance, A Strike Past Time surprises the readers with a totally unexpected twist…so, hold on!
The Cartagena cartel has a mole inside the New Orleans Police Department. Detective Rick Marse from A Quarter Past Love and Half Past Hate is investigating the disappearance of Randy Tolbert, the law partner that abducted Rainie in Half Past Hate. On a gut feeling, he suspects Rainie knows something she's not telling about the oddity of the whole law firm debauchery and suspected embezzlement. Was it Tolbert that kidnapped her, and, if so, why?
Mateo Moreno, head of the Cartagena cartel, and Michael develop an unusual alliance adding to the suspense and intrigue. He needs Michael's skills to consummate his business dealings. How does Michael feel about this? How does Rainie deal with it? What is the temperature between them? Hm…food for thought.
Rainie and Michael continue to bask in their sizzling passion and undying love. Their journey leads to a spellbinding twist that will blindside the reader, but it is a romance, so no question, they live happily ever after, but not until the hold-your-breath mystery gets resolved.
As the story winds down, all questions are answered, the puzzle is complete, the bad guys get their comeuppance, the adventure gets tied with the perfect bow, and the Censored Time Trilogy closes at A Strike Past Time.