Never invest in anything until you have first looked very carefully at the strengths and competencies of the management team.
b6374925628je citiraoprije 4 godine
“An investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis, promises safety of principal and a satisfactory return. Operations not meeting these requirements are speculative.”
Ninoje citiraoprije 4 godine
coming into market favor
Ninoje citiraoprije 4 godine
meant Graham lost all
Violette Modeje citiraoprije 5 godina
If you base your investment decisions on the movement of the share price rather than the value of the underlying business assets, your investment decisions will bounce all over the place.
Violette Modeje citiraoprije 5 godina
something countless others are aiming at and (b) to be able to do it better than your numerous competitors in the market.
Violette Modeje citiraoprije 5 godina
Is the company performing as well as its peers? Is the company increasing or losing its market share? Does the company have a profit margin equal to its peers?
Violette Modeje citiraoprije 5 godina
Defensive investors will typically buy a mix of: United States Savings Bonds or other nontaxable securities A diversified list of leading common stocks Shares in leading investment funds
Violette Modeje citiraoprije 5 godina
Investors need to think like owners rather than dealers or traders
Violette Modeje citiraoprije 5 godina
The key is to accurately appraise the future possibilities of the company in question.